Starting the year with new revolutions is a common thing to do. One of my resolutions was starting my own version of the 100 days no sugar diet. This is not an easy diet, because I have promised myself many times that I will restrict from sugar for a while but ended up sneaking some cookies in my mouth.
I am currently sugar free for a month and I can let you know how I came so far.
Have you been struggling with eating clean and do you keep falling back to your old ways? Then keep reading to find out how I finally came got to a month of sugar free eating, and how you could do it too.
It is not uncommon that you find yourself craving the very thing that you said not to eat and ended up doing so -or even buying it and forgetting that you even made a promise to stop eating it for a while. There are alot of reasons for falling back to your old ways but the most common reason is not taking your WHY seriously. What is the main reason that you want to restrict yourself from eating sugar? To prevent yourself from diseases? To overcome binge eating?
To gain more energy throughout the day? To get rid of your skinproblem or to lose weight?
Knowing your WHY is important but being specific in your why is even more important. If you want to lose weight, ask yourself why you want to do that and imagine yourself with the results.
There are many reasons connected to you not keeping up with your promnise of clean eating.These causes are written underneath.
Take a pen and paper and write down your WHY and make sure to be specifically.
Then tell or text your friends/family about the goal that you have made and ask them to check up on you to see if you are still restricting from sugar. Unfollow all the accounts that post unhealthy food on your social media and and instead watch content that shows healthy food. In addition, make sure to eat breakfast that is made of carbohydrates or any type of whole food, eat until you are full and whenever craving sugar, eat some fruit.